Monday, December 10, 2012

Thinking of a name change

(Photo credit: Scott Beale)
The new year brings about so many things.  First of all, if you were to ask me 11 years ago if I ever wanted to go into business for myself, I would have to call you crazy, or think that going into business was only for the very rich and the people whose bills were only their utilities and retired.  I never thought that I would be sitting here writing on a blog, selling things that were only for those who could afford.  I was one of those, "I  could only afford it if I can charged it to a credit card" people.
So the past few weeks have been a series of ups and downs.  My mom was sick for a couple of those weeks, resulting in her going to the hospital, then having a procedure done, that left me and my dad fixing thanksgiving dinner.  This week alone has started out on a sad note.  One of the young adults in my church congregation past away yesterday while we were in worship.  Her name was Angenea Dejarette (I think I am spelling the last name correctly, forgive me, family if I did not).  She was so sweet, and she has a young child who is 6.  She died of bone cancer and other complications associated with the disease.  Yesterday I never felt so sad except when my grandparents passed and my friend Lois Cooper passed from complications of breast cancer in 2002.  To me, dying should be left to the old, but if you live even one day in your life (after you are born), you are sure to die.  It may take 1 day or 103 years, but it will happen.  I know this is hardly a paper crafting subject, but I just wanted to let you know how things are going with me. That is all I have to say about the subject, I feel my eyes wailing up and I type this.  On to something happy.
Back to the new year...
2013.  I was thinking about my businesses a lot lately, and I am finding some things that I do not like.  Don't worry, this is not the complaint paragraph, although I feel like it.  I would loose the few readers I do have.  Most of the complaints I have are with me and the way I am doing business.  It has nothing to do with the business itself.  I am finding some things that other people are doing to be successful, and leaving me wondering why I am not doing them.  For instance, I am not crafting enough.  I need to find time to craft more.  It would help me with my Etsy shop.  I am also not advertising more.  I am networking more, and starting to ask to partner with people on the local level.  This is bringing about some changes that will be implemented with this company.  This may also bring a change to the company name.
Before I started writing this post, I was going through my contact list on LinkedIn, and I saw something that brought on the thought of changing the name MDN Creates.  I was not connected to this person (at least not yet), and she used her name as the company name with the word "designs" behind it.  So I started playing with my name Patricia Lynn Logan, and I came up with the following company names; Patricia Lynn Designs (name taken), Patricia Lynne Designs (open), Designs By Patricia Lynne (so close to another company), P.Lynne Designs (open).
I love coming up with a company name, and I can use a spelling that my parents would have a hissy fit over.  I went though a period in the 10th grade, where I did not like the spelling of "Lynn".  In fact, I did not like "Lynn" at all.  I thought my name would be cuter if it was "Patricia Lynnette". See, I thought that my name was not complete, because I had an "a" at the end of "Patricia", and no vowel at the end of Lynn.  My parents were furious, and told me that they will not sign off the changing of my name to Lynnette or adding an "e" at the end of Lynn.  I kind of got a little revenge, and had an "e" added to Lynn on my high school diploma, and three of my newly minted credit cards.   I have since then gone back to the original spelling of Lynn (growing up helps), and I can always give my child the middle name Lynnette. (hum, Patricia Lynnette Designs, nah, too long, LOL).
Well, I will be bringing these changes, including the possibility of changing web platforms.  Blogger is good for a beginner, but WordPress has more to work with, and even though I am still considered by all means a novice in the programming world, I feel that I can advertise better in WP than Blogger, but I will see.
So that is me in a nutshell for right now.  My plans are not my plans for I rely on God to guide me, and who knows what 2013 will bring.  I just know that my company cannot stay the same as is.  I will not grow and learn that way.  I do have some people to thank for that, especially those that have shown me that I can  make money while blogging, without losing my shirt while in the process of doing so.  If this is making sense to you, than let me know, so I can comprehend what I just said.  ROTFL! (That Rolling On The Floor Laughing for those of you still trying to figure out all of this abbreviated jargon.)   Have a good evening, keep smiling and be blessed.
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