Friday, September 16, 2011

A non-scrapbook Idea

Every once in a while, I come across a blog where the craft is real easy to do that children can make it too (with or without supervision.)
I can across this post on a hair blog, and sometimes you have to look for your inspiration elsewhere.   Anyway, her blog normally talks about styling hair for herself and her children, especially one she calls, "the Diva".   (I do not know any children like that, maybe some adults, LOL), any you may find out why on her blog.   You can get to it through this link here. I like the simplistic of the bulletin board, and she does give instructions on how to make it, and where she got everything at.  Here is the link again (in case you were not able to click on it: 

I will be making on for sure.

Good night, and God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog love :) I call my daughter the diva not because she is one by any means in real life but she is a dancer so on stage she is a little dancing diva :)


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